Growing up, my family had a Black Friday tradition. My mom would pile us in the minivan and head to Woolrich, PA (not a far drive from my hometown) to pick through the irregular and discontinued items at the Woolrich company store. I hated shopping when I was a kid (a shocking and little known fact), but I loved the Black Friday trips to Woolrich (probably why I also love wool, tweed and plaid). We did this every year until the sales weren't good anymore. I remember my mom voicing her disappointment and piling us all in the car to head home without next year's winter coats.
We didn't shop on Black Friday day after that, but the lesson my mom unknowingly taught me was lasting. The majority of Black Friday sales no longer feature the lowest prices, yet hype defeats rationale and the throngs of people who wait in line for a tv or toy on Black Friday are the same people who gave retailers the balls to open on Thanksgiving. Stay close to home on Thursday and Friday. If you must shop, do so locally and support your community, or stay in your pajamas, eat leftovers and shop online.
Now for serious business, I have been in love with J. Crew's Tippi Heart Me sweater in every color variation since 2011. I am not in love with the price of the sweater however, so when Forever 21 and Old Navy offered there versions, I bought a navy blue with red heart knockoff. Then, yesterday I was flipping through my favorite online yard sale, where I saw that some crazy person was selling a new with tags Tippi Heart Me sweater (a wool and cashmere blend) in navy with a kelly green heart for $6 (you can buy them on eBay for $50+). Before the day was out, the sweater was mine. Here's how I wore it:
Sweater: J. Crew Tippi Heart Me, $6
Shirt: Gap oxford, $9.99
Skirt: Gap, super clearance ages ago
Tights: H&M, this season ($12.99)
Booties: Lucky Brand, past season
Glasses: Derek Cardigan 7012 Brown Tortoiseshell (this season-use FIRSTPAIRFREE to get your first pair for the cost of shipping)
Bag: Coach, vintage Willis, $30
Jewelry: Stella & Dot, all past season