Free Concerts!
Between The Piazza at Schmidt's and Morgan's Pier, you can catch a more than decent free show most weeks!
Movies in the Park!
This summer, Philadelphia is hosting the Awesome Fest, an all out celebration of 80's music and film, at locals parks and venues. Seriously, a Flock of Seagulls is playing tonight - what could be better? Oh, maybe Goonies in a local park on a nice night?
See an Advanced Screening of a New Film!
I had always wanted to do this, and a few months ago, when I signed up for Klout (which measures your social media presence), I was told screenings were often given as a "perk." When your Klout score goes up, you are rewarded with a Klout Perk. This week, I saw an advance screening of The Conjuring for free. Cool experience (when they say cell phones off, they mean it) and I didn't have to do anything to get the tickets.
Go to a Killer Pool Party at a Swanky Club!
Do you Yelp? If not, you may want to consider joining the online review site, because they really know how to treat their community. Several times a year, Yelp gets their "Yelpers" together and rewards them with free food and drinks from some of the most loved restaurants in the area (plus, there is live entertainment). This summer, Yelp Philly outdid themselves with a Summer Soirée at North Shore, a private swim club in the heart of Northern Liberties. The food was great, the crowd was great and it was all free!
Get Krimpets thrown at Your Face!
When I moved to my neighborhood, I was told about a crazy Bastille Day festival held in front of the neighborhood's well known landmark, Eastern State Penitentiary. Not having attended the celebration before, I had no idea what to expect. The crowd was huge, the Bearded Lady Cabaret put on a fun performance, and I don't think anybody would argue that having the city's beloved Tastykake Krimpet catapulted at them is a bad thing. Another great fun and free day in this city.
Have you found any inexpensive or free things to do in your city? Have any advice? Share away!

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